The Dialogic PBXpert utility program located in the Dialogic program group or Start / Programs / Dialogic may be required to to determine and register the signal from your PBX.
Make sure that CALLMaster service is not running when you run PBXpert. You must have two lines from the CALLMaster connected to two extensions on your phone system. PBXpert will then run a wizard, which will help you set up the analysis. Basically you tell it what lines are hooked up to which extensions. It will take a few minutes to run and will graphically display its activity. When it is done it will generate a Tone file, which is what it learned. You then can select to enable this tone file so it will recognize these signals correctly. You can also disable the tone file if needed.
In addition to the PBXpert program CALLMaster supports Global Tone Detection controlled by the Global Tone table. In that table you can define additional Tone Types for busy, ringing, reorder, disconnect and fax tones. You will need to know the timing and frequency of the signals you want to define. It is possible to also run PBXpert to analyze these additional tones and then you would translate those signal values into the CALLMaster table.