All variables display data in a standard ASCII format even for number values.
Local, Global & Disk Variables
Assign a value to a local, global, or disk variable. The command creates the variable if it doesn't already exist. Variable names can be any length and can contain any valid printable ASCII character with no embedded spaces.
- Local variables are cleared at the beginning of each call and whose values are private to each port.
- Global variables are prefixed with the '@' character, are cleared at service shut down, are accessible by all lines and whose value is shared by all lines.
- Disk variables - Not currently implemented. Have an '@' character in the second position of their name (e.g. @@answer2) and are saved to the hard disk file ‘disk.var’. These variables are restored to their values the next time CALLMaster starts up. For local disk variables, a convenient naming convention is to use the '_' character as the first character, e.g., ‘_@varname’. Variables saved in the ‘disk.var’ file are prefixed by their port number (e.g., 1 _@varname = 3). Global variables are prefixed by port number zero (e.g., 0 @@global = 7). Disk.var is an ASCII file. Only numeric values can be assigned by this command. Setting a variable to a string is done with the string functions.
Any numeric value in the range of -2,000,000,000 to +2,000,000,000. Constants should be enclosed in double quotation marks (‘‘).
System Variables
A system variable returns system information when used in an assignment or expression. System variables may not be used on the left side of an equal sign (=). Below is the list of globally defined system variables and the values they return.
Comments can be added to a script for maintenance and debugging. Comment lines MUST START with a single quote (‘).