CALLMaster Tour - Create Fax Table Entry
CALLMaster supports both inbound and outbound faxing with purchase of the fax
license. A Dialogic board supporting fax is required.
Inbound Faxing
- Faxes can be received in on any CALLMaster port connected to the board. Any CALLMaster application type will receive in faxes. Faxes can be received in to the default mailbox or caller can select an individual mailbox to receive fax. If the mailbox receiving the fax has an email address and Windows Messaging is enabled, then the faxed document will be emailed as a .tif attachment
to the address(es) entered in the mailbox record Email field. See
Inbound Faxes for details.
Outbound / Fax-On-Demand
Outbound faxing can be done adding a record to the OutcallSchedule table or using the CALLBasic FaxSend command. This chapter will detail steps on how to use the FaxSend command.
- Select ‘Faxes’ from CALLMaster Manager and using the 'Add’ icon
add a new record. The 'Fax
ID' is going to be 100, so use that in the first field. Remember that we have designated the fax-on-demand to send document number 100.
Setting up faxes is simple. Just follow these steps.
- Input a description of the document for reference purposes and is used
to help you, the user, keep track of what is being sent in this document ID.
Enter ‘Product A’ in this field.
- Using the Browse button, select the ‘FaxFileName’. This is the document
you want to fax. This field includes the file path (where the files
are located) and, the file name. By default it would be the path \Program
Files\CALLMaster or you may choose any other convenient folder. With the
file name, be sure to include the extension, if there is one. When we're
done here, we will make a file in your \Program Files\CALLMaster directory
that is in ASCII format.
- Using the browse button, select the document you want to use as the ‘Cover
Page’. This tells CALLMaster to find a .txt file to put in the text field on the cover letter. Again, since we are not using the cover letter, leave this blank.
- The transmission of a cover page with each document is optional and controlled by setting field
'Attach Cover Page' to ‘Yes’ (checked) or ‘No’ (not checked). We don't
really have one to send out, so make sure this field is not checked.
- The ‘From Header Text’ field, if a cover page is being used, CALLMaster will automatically create it and place this field as the ‘from’ party. We are not using a cover page, so leave this field blank.
- The ‘Suppress Header’ field allows you to turn off the fax software feature that prints a line on the top of the fax stating where it's from, then number it's from, etc. It is toggled on and off by
this flag. The header information is contained in the System Parameter ‘FAX FROM’.
- The File Setting fields include:
- ‘Type’ tells CALLMaster what type of file we are sending. There are three types available and these are ASCII, TIF and RAW. See your fax software manual for more information on fax file types. Let's make this an ASCII file (most faxes you will send will be RAW files).
- 'Text Size' is a field that tells what text size to use when transmitting ASCII files. Leave it in the default and move on.
- 'Resolution' really shouldn't be tampered with until you know more about the fax software and documents you are working with. It also doesn't pertain to ASCII, so leave it as the default.
- Save this record. That's it! You've created a fax record.
- CALLMaster won't like it very much if it looks for a fax file that isn't
there, so make sure you have a document as referenced in the 'Fax File Name'
- To send a fax, use the ‘FaxSend’ command in CALLBasic and specify the document number.
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