CALLMaster is shipped with the CallLog table enabled. To disable logging to the CallLog table, using the CALLMaster Manager, select Parameters | System and add the flag 'CLO' to the 'System Settings' field (#26). To enable, just delete the flag 'CLO'.
Note: Once activated the CallLog will start collecting data records. It is the Administrator’s responsibility to periodically archive data and remove records from the log. Otherwise the size of the database could grow to a size that inhibits proper operation of the system.
At the end of each call, a record is written out to the CallLog table and contains the following information:
CRN | Call Reference Number (used for CALLMasterIP only) |
StartTime | Time the call started |
Port | Port # that answered the call |
Calls | Total calls answered on this port since CALLMaster service startup |
CallerID | Caller ID as supplied by the telco |
DNIS | Number Dialed |
StartApplication | Starting application |
StartModule | Starting Audiotex Module |
LengthSecs | Length of call in seconds |
Termination | Reason call ended (e.g Call Ended; Hangup) |
EndModule | Last Audiotex Module |
Data | CALLBasic script supplied data in variable 'CallLogData' |
Notes | CALLBasic script supplied data in variable 'CallLogNotes' |
PortsActive | Number of currently active ports |
PortUtilization | Port utilization (percent) |
DailyActivePeak | Daily peak of port activity |
DailyActivePeakTime | Time of port activity peak |
SystemActivePeak | Port activity peak since last start |
SystemActivePeakTime | Time of port activity peak since last start |
SystemTotalCalls | Total calls answered by the system |
SystemTotalRejected | Total calls rejected by the system |