CALLMaster Tour - Create Mailboxes
- There is already one mailbox entered in the mailbox table, Mailbox # ‘0000’, which
is Type ‘Administrator’. This is to allow the administrator to log in at the very beginning of the setting up process.
- Previously, when we created the Attendant ID records, we told CALLMaster to send failed calls and mailbox requests for the operator to mailbox 1000. The next logical step would be to set up that mailbox now.
- Select Manage | Mailboxes from the menu bar and click on the ‘Add
new’ (plus sign) button on the bottom tool bar.
- The first thing it will ask you for is the mailbox number. Enter 1000 in this field. Mailboxes are usually four digits long.
- Fill in the password field. The password can be from zero to four
digits long. Make it easy to remember. Enter 1000 here. Now when the
operator wants to log into this mailbox, he will need to enter 1000 as his
- Enter the Last Name of the person that the mailbox belongs to. For now, let's just put ‘Operator’ in there. Enter this and look at the field called ‘Directory Listing.’ It figured out the ‘numeric name’ of the last name you entered, automatically.
The First Name is for your reference.
- Add the mailbox owner's email address in the Email field if you want
CALLMaster to automatically email messages or faxes received by the mailbox.
Make sure that you have Activated Email Notification
for this feature to work.
- The Settings filed is used for special mailbox attributes (e.g. BRS-Browse Only, NMF-New Messages First, DTF-Date Time First – See
Voice Mail Settings field description for details.
- The next field is the ‘Type’ which is essentially the activity rights of the box. Flip through the choices with the drop down list. Set the ‘Type’ field to ‘User’.
- Let's activate the Notification indicator for message waiting lights. We will add a notification record later in the tour. Check the ‘Notification Enabled’ indicator and the ‘Message Waiting Lights’ indicator to enable message light notification record (record 0). You do not have a pager or human notification record. . The next section ‘Notification’ gives more details.
- The next four fields control message storage. The first governs the number of new messages the box is allowed to have. The next field deals with the number of saved messages a box is allowed to have. Maximum Message Length controls the length of messages as well as the allowable length of the mailbox's greeting. The final field here is the Maximum Message Age, which says that after 10 days a message will automatically be deleted from the system. Save your work.
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