CALLMaster connects with all types of Phone Lines and various PBXs to provide cost effective Messaging,
Call Routing, IVR/Audiotex and other telephony solutions.
CALLMaster connects directly to regular phone lines and services provided by your local phone company,
to various PBXs supporting analog extensions, or PBXs with direct digital connections.
The type of phone service or PBX used by your business will determine the Intel/Dialogic board required
(purchased thru SpeechSoft or any Intel distributor).
CALLMaster connects directly to analog or digital phone lines provided by your local phone company.
- Analog , T1 or ISDN-PRI Lines
- Services such as Centrex, SMDI, DID, DNIS, Caller-ID, ANI.
CALLMaster can connect to the extensions off your analog or digital PBX.
- ANALOG PBXs include AT&T, Comdial,
Lucent, Meridian, Merlin Legend, Panasonic (KXTA624, KXT1232), Toshiba (Strata DK, Perception)
- DIGITAL PBXs include Avaya/Lucent, Mitel, NEC, Nortel, Siemans.